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The ITG Diet blog delivers informative weight loss tips, health resources and nutritional information to help you along your weight loss journey.

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Inch Loss: How Many Pounds Does It Take?

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Losing weight and reducing waist circumference are the common goals of a weight loss plan, but many people wonder just how many pounds it takes to lose an inch off their waist.

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Getting Back On Track Post-Holidays

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Summer is a time for celebration, family gatherings, and very often, indulgent eating! While it's important to enjoy these moments, many of us find ourselves veering off track with our healthy eating plans. If you're feeling the post-holiday or post-celebration blues and want to regain control, you're not alone! Here's a guide to help you get back on track, and focus on your ITG Diet Plan.

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Join ITG's New Walking Initiative for Better Health and Wellness

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We're excited to launch our latest initiative at ITG - "Let's Start Walking!" This program is all about taking proactive steps towards better health and wellness through the simple yet impactful activity of walking.

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Train Your Willpower Like a Muscle

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In the pursuit of weight loss, we often focus on physical exercise and nutrition, but one crucial aspect that's often overlooked is the power of willpower! Just like a muscle, willpower can be trained and strengthened to help us stay on track with our goals. Here’s how you can harness the strength of your mind to support your weight loss journey...

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Navigating the Limitations and Downsides of GLP-1 Medications

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In the past few years, GLP-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs) have emerged as a promising class of medications for managing type 2 diabetes. These drugs  work by mimicking the action of the hormone GLP-1, which stimulates insulin secretion, suppresses glucagon secretion, and slows gastric (stomach and intestine) emptying. While GLP-1 medications offer several benefits, they also come with limitations and downsides that patients and healthcare providers need to consider.

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The Pitfalls of Weight Loss Drugs

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{{ A Cautionary Tale against Neglecting Proper Nutrition }}

In today's society, the pursuit of weight loss often leads people down various paths, including the temptation of quick fixes offered by weight loss drugs such as Ozempic, Wegovy, and several other GLP-1 antagonist medications. While these meds may promise rapid results, they come with a host of downsides that underscore the importance of prioritizing proper nutrition and lifestyle changes for long-term health and well-being.

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Spring Into Health: Motivation for Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Before Summer

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As the chill of winter begins to thaw and the promise of warmer days approaches, many of us find ourselves looking ahead to summer with a mix of excitement and apprehension. The thought of shedding layers of clothing and basking in the sun's warmth can be exhilarating, but for some, it also brings a sense of unease about revealing our bodies after months of hibernation.

Fortunately, spring offers the perfect opportunity to kick-start a journey towards better health and fitness. By harnessing the renewed energy and sense of vitality that comes with the changing season, we can set ourselves up for success in achieving our wellness goals before summer arrives.

Here are some tips to get motivated and inspired to eat healthy and lose weight as we transition into spring:

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How Can I Make My Goals More Attainable?

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goal,setting,process,outcome,weight,loss,weightloss,itg,diet,keto,ketosis,ketogenicWe all have goals that we’d like to achieve throughout our lives. When it comes to our health, there are a lot of outcomes to strive toward, and so many ways to get there. Sometimes, creating a goal may seem like a daunting task, such as when we make a New Year’s Resolution to change our diet to lose weight, or to start an exercise program to get in shape. Creating these larger goals can seem challenging, so how can we make them look and feel more attainable?

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REBOOT Your Resolution!

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Weight loss is a challenge. Living a healthy lifestyle and developing new habits can be really tough. And New Year's Resolutions aren't usually fun for very long. Last year is now in the past, so let's look forward to the future and reach those goals this year!

Did you make a 2024 resolution to lose weight, get in shape, and change your eating habits, challenging yourself to the max? If you have fallen short of your goals, had a tough time making changes, or just felt like you're at a standstill, a REBOOT is for you.


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Quick Fix for Weight Loss?

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When it comes to getting healthy and losing weight, it’s safe to say that many of us are looking for the quickest route to get there. These days, it’s all about fast results. However, that weight wasn’t put on in a day. Using a quick fix such as medication sounds appealing, but is it healthy? It took time for us to gain weight, so losing it in a healthy way should probably take some time as well. New drugs, designed for diabetes, are being used off-label for weight loss to get that quick fix that so many people are looking for. Will we ever learn? Is there really a quick fix for weight loss?

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What's Your Resolution?

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whats-your-resolutionReady to reach your goal weight in the new year? ITG is here to help you get there in 2024! Many of us have gained weight these past few years due to the Covid-19 outbreak, being at home more often, and turning to unhealthy foods and drinks during bouts of stress eating. Have you made a resolution to be happier and healthier next year? Are you already on the ITG Diet Plan and need to make a resolution to help keep yourself on track to reaching your goals?

So you haven't started a diet plan just yet and are planning to start one in the coming weeks. We know there are many choices out there. In today's world of quick fixes, pills and shots, bad advice posted all over the internet, and crash diets to lose weight as quickly as possible, it may seem like a very tough choice. From my own personal experience, the ITG Diet Plan is the only one with coaches who will actually educate you on how foods are processed in your body and monitor your progress each week. It definitely was the only diet that really worked for me and allowed me to keep those extra pounds off!

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Where Does Water Weight Come From?

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water,weight,scale,help,diet,keto,lifestyle,itg,carbs,sugar,sodium,saltYou’ve been doing great on the program, sticking to the guidelines, watching what you eat, not cheating, and losing pounds every week. Then, that day inevitably arrives: you’re invited to dinner at a friend’s house; a surprise guests brings over wine and snacks; you decide that you can take a day or two off to enjoy some fun foods and beverages. Then… the next day, you feel puffy, bloated, tired, and fatigued. You check your weight on the scale. It has spiked dramatically!

Have you noticed that when you eat or drink off-program foods, your weight tends to immediately increase? It may be one or two pounds but could add up to even more! What is going on inside your body, and why does this happen so quickly?

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I Fell Off the Wagon! How to Bounce Back

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diet,wagon,itg,diet,weight,loss,weightloss,keto,ketosis,motivation,restart,tuneup,tune,up,diabetes,healthy,living,eating,foodIt happens to all of us. Whether we see it coming or not, it can creep up quickly. You look back over the past week, the past month, or maybe even the whole year and you realize you've been going back to old eating habits. When eating gets out of control and you no longer seem to care about what goes in your mouth. Clothes are getting tight. You have no energy.

You have finally hit that point when you realize it: You have fallen off the diet wagon.

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Starting Your Diet Before the Holidays? Here are the Benefits

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itg, diet, weightloss, itgdiet, weight, pounds, fat, keto, ketosis, holidays, christmas, thanksgiving, new, years, resolutionIf you have been carrying extra weight for too long, making the decision to get to work on your health and weight loss goal is a big step to take. You must also realize that it is a major commitment, changing how you think about the foods you eat for life.

Getting started on this goal in the midst of holiday season might seem like a recipe for disaster. FOMO kicks in when you think of all the holiday dishes that you WON’T be eating. However, it’s better to get your mindset right and your program started before the holidays arrive rather than waiting until the New Year.

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Staying In Touch!

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We've had a lot of changes at ITG the past couple months! We've added lots of delicious new bars and foods for you to try. We have been busy working with our new distribution centers to ensure that your packages arrive as quickly as possible.

Your order may arrive in 2 packages on 2 separate days. Check your email for a "Shipment Confirmation" email from ITGdiet.com. Make sure to add info@ITGdiet.com and Joseph@ITGdiet.com as email contacts so that you receive the your messages. They tend to go to junk, spam, or promotions folders in your email.

For assistance with the ITG website, shopping, using the FREE shipping codes, and to check in with Coach Joe for your weekly appointment, get in touch!

Email Joseph@ITGdiet.com and/or Info@ITGdiet.com

Call Coach Joe direct at 727-641-1679

Live Chat on the ITG Diet homepage (look to the lower left of your screen and begin the chat there - monitored Monday through Friday during daytime hours)

Like & Follow Coach Joe on Facebook for FREE motivation, discount codes, and special announcements

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Join the ITG Diet Slim Down Challenge!

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Do you want to look and feel great just in time for the holidays?

Are you ready to get rid of those extra pounds and inches?

Is it time to get motivated to work on your resolution, BEFORE New Years 2024 arrives?


Join the ITG Diet Slim Down Challenge!

First Weigh-in: Friday, November 10th

Final Weigh-in: Friday, December 22nd


We're sweetening the competition with FREE ITG Foods!

1st Place: $100 of ITG Foods

2nd Place: $50 of ITG Foods

3rd Place: $25 of ITG Foods

All Runners-Up Receive a $10 ITG Gift Certificate!


How To Register

Please call Coach Joe at 727-641-1679 or click here to email Joseph@ITGdiet.com to register for the Slim Down Challenge. You must register on or before November 10th, 2023 to participate. You will need to submit your Friday photo by that day. Miss the deadline? Don't worry! We'll have another Challenge you can join soon!


During the Challenge 

Your regularly scheduled check-in day with your Coach still applies, and is separate from the Slim Down Challenge. However, every Friday, beginning on November 10th, 2023, you will take a picture of your feet on your scale at home, and text it to 727-641-1679 or email to Joseph@ITGdiet.com. You must submit your new photo every Friday to be eligible. If you will be out of town or unable to weigh at any time, please get in touch with Coach Joe immediately to arrange for an alternate day.


Weekly Tracking 

To make the competition fair for everyone, ITG will use "percentage of body weight lost" for tracking, rather than number of pounds lost. The highest percentages lost by December 22nd, 2023, will be tallied and winners announced the following week!


Winner's Results 

After all results are received on December 22nd, 2023, ITG will contact the winners for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. We will get in touch via phone and/or email to give you more information on redeeming your reward! All runners-up will receive a $10 reward code via email!



ITG Diet adheres to strict HIPAA Privacy Standards. No photos or personal information will be used or shared with anyone

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Step Away From the Candy!

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candy,corn,ITG,halloween,weightloss,keto,ketosisAre you ready to survive Halloween? Are you passing out candy, or taking the little ones Trick 'r Treating?

This is the first year decorating my house for Halloween AND the first time I've bought a massive bag of candy to pass out. As I was choosing what to buy for the kids, I thought of how I was going to make sure I wouldn't eat any of it before the big day.

Here are some of my tips to help you make it through the holiday and still have fun passing out candy!

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Eating Healthy While Traveling

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Traveling-For-The-HolidaysSo you’re making the trek to visit family and friends soon? Going on a business trip? Starting to have hunger pangs? It’s a familiar scene in any travel situation: you’re waiting for your connecting flight in an airport near the snack stand, or sitting in a car for hours looking for the next rest stop to grab something, anything, to eat. You’ve been doing very well on your diet over the past couple months, up until now. Traveling makes many of us crave snack foods; it takes us back to driving cross-country for vacation with the parents and siblings, eating an assortment of chips, cookies, candy and soda. The snacks help to pass the time and give us something to do with our hands during a long trip. Whether you’ll be taking a car, plane, bus or a train, there are many temptations to be avoided in order to stay on track with your diet. Keep yourself happy and healthy by following some of these travel tips.

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Back to School = Back to You!

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back,to,school,you,diet,holidays,prep,planIt's that time of year: Summer is coming to an end, last minute vacations will be wrapping up, and the kids will be going back to school over the next few weeks. What better time than now to begin focusing on yourself, your health, and your weight loss goals? Start your preparations and planning and be ready for the upcoming holidays!

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Using the Daily Food Diary

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One of the most important tools your Coach will use each week, whether you are working with them in person or online, is the Daily Food Diary. In order to see continued results and be able to make adjustments, make sure you are filling out your Diary completely.

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