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Getting Back On Track Post-Holidays

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Summer is a time for celebration, family gatherings, and very often, indulgent eating! While it's important to enjoy these moments, many of us find ourselves veering off track with our healthy eating plans. If you're feeling the post-holiday or post-celebration blues and want to regain control, you're not alone! Here's a guide to help you get back on track, and focus on your ITG Diet Plan.

1. Reflect and Reset

Before jumping back into your routine, take a moment to reflect on your holiday. Acknowledge the fun you had and the choices you made without guilt! This positive mindset will make it easier to begin your reset.

2. Hydrate and Detox

Start by hydrating. Water helps flush out toxins and reduces bloating. Aim for at least 8-10 glasses of water per day. You can also add sliced lemon, cucumber, or mint to enhance the detoxifying effects and add a little bit of flavor.

3. Plan Your Meals

Planning is crucial to avoid unhealthy eating. Start with an outline of your meals for the week, focusing on balanced nutrition and your healthy eating plan. Don't forget to incorporate all your lean proteins, vegetables, and ITG Foods to help you stay satisfied and energized.

4. Embrace Your ITG Diet!

Remember how much better you feel, your sleep quality, and your overall mood and mindset when you stick to your plan. Holidays and celebrations will always be around so there's no avoiding them. However, if you can always make sure to get back to your ITG Diet Plan in Steps 1 through 3, you will be able to continue on your journey and avoid weight gain.

5. Stock Up on ITG Friendly Foods

Make sure you have your healthy snacks, chopped vegetables, your favorite bars, shakes, cereals and more ready to go for the week. Take inventory to make sure you have what you need from the grocery store and from ITG so you are always prepared and can make the best decisions.

6. Get Moving!

Physical activity is a great way to jumpstart your metabolism. Whether it's a brisk walk, a bike ride, or a gym session, find an activity you enjoy and make it a part of your daily routine. 

7. Mindful Eating

Practice mindful eating by savoring each and every bite, and paying attention to your hunger cues. This helps prevent overeating and allows you to enjoy your meals more fully. The action of chewing slowly helps with digestion and making that mind to stomach connection so that you begin to feel full. If you eat too quickly, this signal might not occur, leading to overeating or snacking after a meal!

8. Stay Accountable

Share your goals with a friend, loved one, or your ITG Coach. Accountability partners can provide you with the motivation you need and support, especially after a holiday or celebration. Your ITG Coach is there to guide you through the process and give you some very beneficial tips to get back on track!

9. Be Patient and Kind to Yourself

Remember that getting back on track is a process. Be patient with yourself and celebrate all the small, yet extremely important small victories along the way! Don't forget about the non-scale wins such as getting in all your vegetables in a day, drinking all your water, taking a walk, or avoiding high carb foods and drinks. They're all a win, and they add up each day to progress!


The 4th of July weekend and other celebrations are a wonderful time for us to enjoy with our friends, family and loved ones. It's easy to stray away from healthy habits, but by incorporating some of these tips and embracing your ITG Diet Plan, you CAN get back on track and continue your journey towards a healthier you! Remember, it's not about perfection, but PROGRESS. Every small step you take is a step closer to your goals!

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