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I Fell Off the Wagon! How to Bounce Back

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diet,wagon,itg,diet,weight,loss,weightloss,keto,ketosis,motivation,restart,tuneup,tune,up,diabetes,healthy,living,eating,foodIt happens to all of us. Whether we see it coming or not, it can creep up quickly. You look back over the past week, the past month, or maybe even the whole year and you realize you've been going back to old eating habits. When eating gets out of control and you no longer seem to care about what goes in your mouth. Clothes are getting tight. You have no energy.

You have finally hit that point when you realize it: You have fallen off the diet wagon.

Things were going just great. You had your routine; you were incorporating daily physical activity. You were sticking to the proper foods. You felt good every day, slept well, and had the energy to do the things you wanted to do.

What the heck happened when everything was going so well?

So many factors can influence our health. Work stress, family life, special events, social activities, vacations, holidays... the list goes on. Sometimes your health goals get pushed aside in favor of other priorities.

I have this problem every year myself. Usually it hits me at the end of summer and lasts throughout the end of the year. I always have the best of intentions with eating right and exercising consistently, and I tell myself I'll stay motivated no matter what. I won't let myself gain weight this year and will avoid binging on junk food.

Before it's too late, I have to take the time to realize it for myself: I'm beginning to fall off the diet wagon. Before I allow any weight gain to spiral out of control, I have to get back o ntrack, which is easier said than done. Otherwise, I'll be back in my typical routine of trying to lose weight in the first few months of the new year. I don't want to do that again next year! If you also find yourself falling off the wagon, here are a few things to do to ease your transition back to a healthy lifestyle. I will be right there with you!

How to Make a Comeback

Change Just One Thing. For many of us, drastically changing our diet or trying to add too much exercise all at once can cause us to lose motivation. You can start by simply adding more water and vegetables to your days. You'll feel fuller for longer and will have more energy, since processed and high carb foods can crash your energy levels; hydrating yourself and filling up on veggies and salad will not. Instead of worrying about jumping into your hour-long workouts, start by taking quick walks or just working out for 20 minutes. Small changes are easier to maintain and will help you find the motivation to continue your progress.

Clean Out the Kitchen. Get rid of all those temptations in your cabinets and refrigerator. Making healthy choices will be a lot easier if there isn't ice cream, chips and cookies looking back at you. Clear out the processed foods. Stop buying things that tempt you. Saying no will be much easier if it's not around.

Incorporate Quick and Effective Exercise. Take a walk after a meal. Start by simply walking around your block. Do jumping jacks. Ride your bike. Anything that gets your body moving. Set your goal at 15-25 minutes so that you can easily fit that time back into your day, without it seeming like a chore. Once you reach your goal for several days, you will find yourself willing and able to add more time.

Practice Healthy Habits Every Day. Park further away from your destination and walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Drink more water. Go to bed a little earlier or wake up earlier. Instead of your usual sugary snack in the afternoon, exchange it for salad or sliced vegetables, or a lean protein snack. Write down your daily food intake to see how any changes are affecting how you feel, how you sleep, and your energy levels. You'll start to see how quickly you're feeling good again.

Set Your Goals. Without some kind of goal in mind, you have no way to gauge your progress. Are you trying to get back to a certain number on the scale? Return to healthy eating habits? Wanting to feel better about yourself? Boost your motivation? Whatever the goal is, take some time to write it down and then use them to keep you going if your motivation begins to fade. Tracking your progress by writing down your goals and achievements will help you continue to build on your successes.

Even if you have fallen off the wagon, remember that you are not alone! Most of us experience it at several points in our journey, or even every year like I do. If you think that you'll always be perfect, you're setting yourself up for stress and disappointment. Remember, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is hard work and never easy, but something that you can achieve and will continue to work on over time.

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Joseph is Operations Director for ITG, a Certified ITG Coach for ITG Online, and also manages and coaches clients at ITG's flagship clinic, Slim Down St Pete. He lost over 75 pounds on the ITG Diet Plan, 10 inches from the waist and decreased body fat by over 20%.


  • Guest
    Deb Parker Monday, 27 November 2023


    It’s always nice to know that others have the same problem and struggles! Thanks Joe for the little tips and encouraging words!

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