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Step Away From the Candy!

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candy,corn,ITG,halloween,weightloss,keto,ketosisAre you ready to survive Halloween? Are you passing out candy, or taking the little ones Trick 'r Treating?

This is the first year decorating my house for Halloween AND the first time I've bought a massive bag of candy to pass out. As I was choosing what to buy for the kids, I thought of how I was going to make sure I wouldn't eat any of it before the big day.

Here are some of my tips to help you make it through the holiday and still have fun passing out candy!

- If you're passing out candy this year, make sure to keep it hidden until the big day... out of sight, out of mind! Remember... it's for the kids. Mine is tucked away in a kitchen cupboard that I all but forget about, even when I am on the prowl for snacks in the kitchen.

- Don't keep any leftover candy. Try to pass it all out by the time the last Trick 'r Treater shows up so you won't be stuck with a lot and be tempted to eat any yourself. I have already planned on rewarding my last kiddo with whatever is left.

- While you're passing out candy, enjoy an ITG Bar, snack on your protein chips, or make a large, hot mug of Marshmallow Hot Chocolate for some sweetness that won't add to your waistline. Having a full dinner of protein and vegetables early can help you avoid cravings later.

- Try not to choose your personal favorite candy to pass out... think: Candy Corn (unless you happen to love it!) Of course, I happen to love Candy Corn so that won't work for me..

- If you have little ones bringing their stash of goods home, have them choose their favorites and the rest can be thrown out, donated, or even save the candy (with the right willpower) to add to their Christmas stockings (save some cash!)

- Too much temptation? Turn off the lights and skip the candy this year. It's more important to reach your health and weight loss goals by sticking to the program!

For more tips on getting through Halloween, or any holiday situation, get in touch with your ITG Coach or read more tips right here in the ITG Blog!

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Joseph is Operations Director for ITG, a Certified ITG Coach for ITG Online, and also manages and coaches clients at ITG's flagship clinic, Slim Down St Pete. He lost over 75 pounds on the ITG Diet Plan, 10 inches from the waist and decreased body fat by over 20%.


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