Mold & Mildew

Category: Grow Your Own
Created on Tuesday, 06 October 2020 15:07
Hits: 874

A benefit of growing herbs is that they do not suffer many of the problems that flowers and vegetables do. Something that you might face is the problem of mildew or mold. Both of these things can damage and kill even the most prolific herbs.


How to Spot Mold and Mildew on Herbs

Herbs need proper ventilation and sunlight to prevent the kind of environment that molds and mildews like. One of the common mistakes many beginning gardeners make is overplanting. As the plants grow larger, they will crowd each other and receive less air circulation and sunlight, which is vital for evaporation. Too much moisture on the leaves and stems leads to mold and mildew.

Mold appears on plants as a slimy, brown or black area. You will notice this on the leaf or stem.

Mildew is a powdery or fuzzy grayish patch. This most often occurs on the leaves but can become noticeable on the stem as well.

If you see either of these signs on your herbs, there are some emergency steps that you should take. The primary goal is to prevent them from doing more damage and possibly killing your herb plant.


Eliminating and Preventing Mold and Mildew

When you notice mold or mildew in your garden, it is best to act fast. An infected leaf can quickly become an infected plant and, if ignored, the problem can spread to other plants.


Don't Turn to Chemicals

Whatever you do, don't use a chemical fungicide. Herbs are not your flowers, and they are grown to be consumed.

While it's very tempting to run to the nursery for a chemical solution at the first signs of mold, resist the urge. You must remember that you're (probably) growing herbs to use in your kitchen or for their medicinal benefits. This means that you're also likely to use the herbs fresh from time to time. Even if you dry your herbs, those chemical compounds can linger.

The last thing you want in your spaghetti sauce is a bunch of oregano that's been sprayed with chemicals, right?

Some gardeners may turn to organic fungicides, but even that may not be the best idea. The best approach to mold and mildew on herbs is the most natural. It does require a little more work, and you do need to pay attention to your plants, but that's part of having a successful garden. The rewards outweigh the work, so please avoid the chemical shortcuts.





By Amy Jeanroy

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